Okay, so you may or may not have noticed I have taken a small hiatus from blogging. And facebooking. And e-mailing. And life in general.
Well, I have a good excuse. You see, I have focused my creative talents in a new area. Instead of creating scrapbooks, I'm assembling a baby. Very talented of me, wouldn't you say?
I expect to finish this project by the end of the December (my official due date is the 29th). And I apologize for my absence from the living world; it's possible I have been a tiny bit sick. (And more possible that I have been a lot sick!) However, I am getting as back to normal as it is possible to be in this condition and scrapbooking is back on the list!
Just as soon as I finish this pickle sandwich and take a nap...
Countdown to Thanksgiving!
3 months ago